Vx Acquisition™ is a replacement data system for your vintage GC/MS
and LC/MS equipment. Vx supports the latest Microsoft Windows operating
Ion trap support for the Finnigan Magnum, Finnigan ITS40, Finnigan Tracker, and the Varian
Saturn series (I, II, 3, & 4). Limited by the Finnigan or Varian MS-DOS based
data system? Move to the latest Windows' operating systems and improve your
productivity! Process your data with the latest versions of Agilent MSD
ChemStation or Varian WorkStation.
Has your Data General computer broken down again? Make your move and get off of
the Incos data system. Vx Acquisition installs easily on your Finnigan
Mat Incos 50/500/XL system. You get the advantages of Microsoft Windows and a
choice of processing software.
Adron Systems can replace your HP Pascal, Unix, RTE, or MS-DOS based data systems
on vintage HP mass spectrometers. Vx Acquisition supports these HP
quadrupoles: 5970, 5992, 5993, 5995, 5996, 5985, 5987, 5988, and the 5989
MS Engine. Upgrade and enhance your data processing with Agilent's newest
MSD ChemStation.
Vx Acquisition provides downloadable control for Varian 3400 and HP5890A chromatographs, plus Leap Technologies CTC-A200S and HP5973 autosamplers. Relay controlled devices, such as purge-and-traps, are also supported.
For a complete listing of supported instruments, refer to our instrument support page.
Vx Acquisition is the recommended upgrade for Teknivent
and ProLab Vector/2™ and EnviroLink™
users. It's time to replace your OS/2 based system and move to Microsoft Windows.
Vx Advantages
Vx offers an intuitive user interface based on the “browser” metaphor; allowing easy access to instruments and features. Preview this interface by clicking on the various screenshots on the right.
Vx is designed as an “acquisition system.” With Vx, we've focused on acquiring data from the instrument and targeting your processing package. Target file formats include:
- Adron Systems Vx (TKF)
- Adron Systems Text File (ASC)
- Agilent ChemStation (.D\Data.MS)
- Agilent ChemStation NetCDF (.D\Data.CDF)
- AIA Andi NetCDF (CDF)
- Finnigan Incos (MI,MX)
- Finnigan ITS40, Magnum, and Tracker (MS)
- Varian Workstation 2000 (SMS)
- Varian Saturn I, II and III (MS)
Vx Features
- Unified “browser” interface for quickly moving between tasks.
- Targets user specified processing packages.
- Extensible design allows for multiple instrument configurations.
- Instrument sections for:
- Method development and manual acquisition.
- Sequence development for multi-sample and automated acquisition.
- Tuning and calibration.
- Feedback of instrument status.
- Total and selected ion-chromatograms.
- Mass spectral display during data acquisition.
- Controlled shutdown of your ion trap mass spectrometer.
- Includes an evaluation version of our GC/MS & LC/MS file conversion utility, Vx Capture™.
- Vx supported operating systems:
- Windows 10 and 11
- Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit versions