Vx System
Vx Acquisition™, Vx Capture™, and Vx Extract™ are shipped together as a single installation program.
Collectively, these programs form Adron's Vx System™.
These programs are available online in “demo” form. Adron Systems encourages you to:
- “give it the one over”
- “kick the tires”
- “check it out”
- “give it a spin”
- “look it over”
- “take it for a test drive”
Note: Vx is easy to install and easy to uninstall.
Our demo software is fully functional with some time limitations.
- Vx Acquisition
- Acquisition runs limited to 10 minutes.
- Vx Capture
- Data access is limited to 10 minutes, or, at most, 5⁄8th of data file scans.
- Vx Extract
- Data access is limited to 10 minutes, or, at most, 5⁄8th of data file scans.
To obtain “demo” versions of our products, you'll need to fill out a short request form.
Vx Acquisition
Go to the Vx Acquisition request form to obtain a copy. We'll email you directions for downloading and
installing the latest version of our Vx GC/MS &
LC/MS replacement data system.
This is the same version of software available to our customers.
Vx Capture
Go to the Vx Capture request form to obtain a copy. We'll email you directions for downloading the
latest version of our Vx Capture GC/MS &
LC/MS file conversion software.
Need help “Getting Started” with Vx Capture? Get a
copy of the document –
Vx Extract
Go to the Vx Extract request form to obtain a copy. We'll email you directions for downloading the
latest version of our Vx Extract information extraction library.
Need help “Getting Started” with Vx Extract? Start by
reviewing the document –